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Degree requirement

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology
  • Required courses: 15 credits
- Social gerontology 社會老年學 (2 credits)
- Introduction to geriatrics 老年醫學概論 (2 credits)
- The Psycholoy of Aging 老年心理學 (2 credits)
- Social and health service delivery systems for the elderly 高齡政策與服務傳遞 (2 credits)
- Biostatistics 生物統計學 (2 credits)
- Epidemiology 流行病學及研究設計導論 (2 credits)
- Internship 老年學實習 (2 credits, total of 36 hours)
- CASE STUDIES:Integrating Gerontological Approach 老年學個案整合研究 (1 credit)
  • Seminar I, II, III, and IV (0 credits)
  • Elective courses: 12 credits
  • THESIS (6 credits)